


1、勇往直前 march forward courageously advance bravely take ones courage in both hands go well up to bridle He took his courage in both hands in the face of danger.他迎着危险勇往直前。

2、勇往直前的英语:Get on it.意思:不怕艰险,奋勇地一直往前进。出处:明·许仲琳《封神演义》第七十三回:人人俱摩拳擦掌,个个勇往直前。意思是人人都摩拳擦掌。一个个奋勇往前进。

3、他迎着危险勇往直前。We must overbear .我们要勇往直前。Their only security would be to drive ahead and meet their own troops .只有勇往直前,和兄弟部队会师,才是他们唯一的生路。

4、Go for it.译:勇敢地去吧。鼓励别人去勇敢地试一试,别害怕失败而畏手畏脚,经常用go for it。例:MacKenzie told me I should go for it.译MacKenzie告诉我,我应该放手一搏。

5、When all else is lost the future still remains.就是失去了一切别的,也还有未来。Sow nothing, reap nothing.春不播,秋不收。

6、Go ahead 鼓励别人别犹豫,别等待,勇往直前。


勇往直前 [词典] march forward courageously; advance bravely; take ones courage in both hands;go well up to bridle; [电影] Thelonious Monk: Straight, No Chaser;[例句]他迎着危险勇往直前。

勇往直前的英语:Get on it.意思:不怕艰险,奋勇地一直往前进。出处:明·许仲琳《封神演义》第七十三回:人人俱摩拳擦掌,个个勇往直前。意思是人人都摩拳擦掌。一个个奋勇往前进。

注音: ㄩㄥˇ ㄨㄤˇ ㄓㄧˊ ㄑㄧㄢˊ 勇往直前的近义词: 一往无前 一直向前,无所阻挡。形容不怕困难,奋勇前进 奋勇向前 奋发而努力鼓起勇气朝前方挺进。 昂首阔步 仰着头,迈大步。

汹涌:水势翻腾上涌。形容波浪又大又急 深沉:①深而不外露:感情深沉|君为人深沉有大度。②程度深:暮色深沉|深沉的苦闷。③低沉:深沉的叹息声。


勇往直前 march forward courageously advance bravely take ones courage in both hands go well up to bridle He took his courage in both hands in the face of danger.他迎着危险勇往直前。

勇往直前的英语:Get on it.意思:不怕艰险,奋勇地一直往前进。出处:明·许仲琳《封神演义》第七十三回:人人俱摩拳擦掌,个个勇往直前。意思是人人都摩拳擦掌。一个个奋勇往前进。

march forward courageously; advance bravely; take ones courage in both hands He took his courage in both hands in the face of danger .他迎着危险勇往直前。We must overbear .我们要勇往直前。


奋斗组用英语怎么说奋斗组用英语怎么说超越自我,勇往 奋斗组:Struggle group 超越自我,勇往直前:Go beyond yourself and march forward courageously 满意请采纳,谢谢!奋斗用英语怎么说 struggle struggle:奋斗。

超越极限,超越自我。 Transcend the limit and transcend the self。 50、追梦扬威,奋勇争先。 After the dream, we will strive for the first。 英语团队的口号4 我自信我出色,我努力我成功。

“即” 的意思是 “就是” ,“年轻” 是形容词,“奋斗” 是动词,形容词和动词怎么能等同起来呢。

勇往直前 [ yǒng wǎng zhí qián ]【解释】:勇敢地一直向前进。【出自】:宋·朱熹《朱子全书·道统一·周子书》:“不顾旁人是非,不计自己得失,勇往直前,说出人不敢说的道理。

stuggle for dream 例:This flame meant struggle for victory这火焰象征着“为胜利而奋斗”。


勇往直前 march forward courageously advance bravely take ones courage in both hands go well up to bridle He took his courage in both hands in the face of danger.他迎着危险勇往直前。

march forward courageously; advance bravely; take ones courage in both hands He took his courage in both hands in the face of danger .他迎着危险勇往直前。We must overbear .我们要勇往直前。

勇往直前的英语:Get on it.意思:不怕艰险,奋勇地一直往前进。出处:明·许仲琳《封神演义》第七十三回:人人俱摩拳擦掌,个个勇往直前。意思是人人都摩拳擦掌。一个个奋勇往前进。

zero in your target,and go for it、从零开始,勇往直前!Great works are performed not by strengh, but by perseverance、完成伟大的事业不在于体力,而在于坚韧不拔的毅力。


勇往直前 [词典] march forward courageously; advance bravely; take ones courage in both hands;go well up to bridle; [电影] Thelonious Monk: Straight, No Chaser;[例句]他迎着危险勇往直前。

march forward courageously; advance bravely; take ones courage in both hands He took his courage in both hands in the face of danger .他迎着危险勇往直前。We must overbear .我们要勇往直前。

勇往直前的英语:Get on it.意思:不怕艰险,奋勇地一直往前进。出处:明·许仲琳《封神演义》第七十三回:人人俱摩拳擦掌,个个勇往直前。意思是人人都摩拳擦掌。一个个奋勇往前进。

汹涌:水势翻腾上涌。形容波浪又大又急 深沉:①深而不外露:感情深沉|君为人深沉有大度。②程度深:暮色深沉|深沉的苦闷。③低沉:深沉的叹息声。

take ones courage in both hands 一鼓作气, 敢作敢为, 勇往直前 收起更多词典 A coward lacks courage.怯懦者缺乏勇气。Courage is a virtue.勇气是一种美德。

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