

The Great Wall was built in the Spring and Autumn period. In 221 BC, the emperor is to link up the walls.Later, the Great Wall from time to time by the expansion and maintenance. Before the construction work is completed by hand, because of poor working conditions, thousands of people died here, buried in here. After the founding of China, the Great Wall show a new face.

长城   [cháng chéng]什么意思?近义词和反义词是什么?英文翻译是什么?

长城   [cháng chéng] [长城]基本解释

1.中国古代的伟大工程,西起甘肃嘉峪关,东到河北山海关,全长6700公里。 公元前3世纪秦统一中国后,联结战国时燕、赵、秦之城并延长,始成长城。长城不但是中国最重要的历史文物,而且已成为中华民族的象征 2.坚不可摧的力量或防御物



春秋 战国 时各国出于防御目的,分别在边境形势险要处修筑长城。《左传·僖公四年》载有“ 楚国 方城 以为城”的话,这是有关 长城 的最早记载。 战国 时 齐 、 楚 、 魏 、 燕 、 赵 、 秦 和 中山 等国相继兴筑。 秦始皇 灭六国完成统一后,为了防御北方 匈奴 的南侵,将 秦 、 赵 、 燕 三国的北边 长城 予以修缮,连贯为一。故城西起 临洮 (今 甘肃省 岷县 ),北傍 阴山 ,东至 辽 东,俗称“万里长城”。至今尚有遗迹残存。此后 汉 、 北魏 、 北齐 、 北周 、 隋 各代都曾在北边与游牧民族接境地带筑过长城。 明 代为了防御 鞑靼 、 瓦剌 的侵扰,自 洪武 至 万历 时,前后修筑 长城 达十八次,西起 嘉峪关 ,东至 辽 东,称为“边墙”。 宣化 、 大同 二镇之南, 直隶 、 山西 界上,并筑有内 长城 ,称为“次边”。总长约6700公里,大部分至今仍基本完好。为世界历史上伟大工程之一。


《宋书·檀道济传》:“ 道济 见收,脱帻投地曰:‘乃复坏汝万里之长城。’”《新唐书·隐逸传·秦系》:“ 长卿 自以为五言长城, 系 用偏师攻之,虽老益壮。” 宋 陆游 《书愤》诗:“塞上长城空自许,镜中衰鬓已先斑。” 柳亚子 《寄朱玉阶总司令延安》诗:“武力由来属民众, 中华 民族此长城。”


《长城》是由中国电影股份有限公司、乐视影业、传奇影业、环球影业联合出品,由中国导演张艺谋执导,马特·达蒙、景甜、佩德罗·帕斯卡、威廉·达福、刘德华、张涵予等联合主演的奇幻动作片。该片故事背景设定在中国宋朝时期,讲述了欧洲雇佣兵威廉·加林在被囚禁在长城期间,发现可怕的掠食怪兽将这座巨型城墙重重围困之时,他决定加入了一支由中国精英勇士们组成的大军,共同对抗怪兽饕餮的故事。该片于2016年12月15日晚19点在中国350家IMAX影院超前上映,16日以3D、IMAX3D、中国巨幕3D、杜比视界、杜比全景声、Auro格式在中国全面上映。 更多→ 长城


Great Wall of China; impregnable bulwark; the Great Wall

[长城]相关词语 层宙 层报 帝城 县城 芜城 火城 层陛 层颠 层叠 层栋 轩城 [长城]相关搜寻 长城 万里长城 不到长城非好汉


The history that the Great Wall construct is long and the engineering be impressive-looking and huge, is rare miracle in the world.The Great Wall thing south north interleave, continue long Fu in us great broad land in the motherland up.It seem an Ultrasaurus, turn over more the mountain of Wei Weis, cut through boundless steppe, step over extensive desert, rush toward the diffused ocean.Jot down according to the history cultural heritage, had more than 20s various Hou nation and feudalism dynasty to once construct the Great Wall, if each ages construct of long

The city add and about have 100,000 insides above.Among them only Inner Mongolia autonomous region of the Great Wall reach to 30,000 many inside

1 Great Wall very grand view

2 this buildings are great of miracle

3 this be the history witness of China




(中国的万里长城) the Great Wall ; (坚不可摧的堡垒) impregnable bulwark; Great Wall

网 络GreatWall;Great Wall;The Great Wall;The Wall



The Great wall is known for its long history and its magnificence.


There are eight forts in this section of the Great Wall.


China ancient times the great wall need helis!


Today it has become a place of interest to the people all over the world.


Would you like to climb to the top of the wall?


Great wingl is so wide for six horses to go side by side.


I am the watcher on the walls.


In great despair she knelt by the wall and wept for three days and three nights.


I also want to go there onr day.

长城的英语 句子 带翻译

1. He won the election because the Democrats self-destructed in their primary. 民主党在初选中自毁 长城 ,所以才让他赢得了选举。

2. The Great Wall is one of the sights of the world. 长城 是世界名胜之一.

3. Have you ever visited the Great Wall in your life? 在你一生中,你参观过 长城 吗 ?

4. I\'ve long dreamed of paying a visit to the Great Wall. 我一直渴望游览 长城 .

5. The landscape of the Great Wall is like a dragon. 长城 的全景像一条龙.

6. He who doesn\'t reach the Great Wall is not a true man. 不到 长城 非好汉.

7. The Great Wall is one of the wonders of the world. 长城 是世界奇观之一.

8. He made a trip to the Great Wall yesterday. 昨天他游览了 长城 .

9. Foreigners always associate China with the Great Wall. 外国人总是把中国和 长城 联系在一起.

10. The grandeur of the Great Wall is unmatched. 长城 的壮观是独一无二的.

11. Love the Chinese nation, repair the Great Wall. 爱我中华, 修我 长城 .

12. We associate China with the Great Wall. 我们想起中国,就联想到 长城 .

13. The British stunt man Eddie Kidd jumped over the Great Wall of China on a motorcycle. 英国特技表演者埃迪·基德骑摩托车飞越了中国 长城 。

14. The visitors broke into exclamations of wonder when they saw themagnificent Great Wall. 看到雄伟的 长城 ,游客们惊叹不已.

15. Environmental groups are up in arms about plans to sink an oil well close to Hadrian\'s Wall. 环保组织极力反对在哈德良 长城 附近打油井。

16. For more than one minute our foreign guests remained standing still gapingat this wonder of the world -- the Great ... 外宾们站着不动约莫有一分多钟之久,张口凝视着这个世界奇迹 -- 长城 .

17. He is keen to have a look at the Great Wall. 他很想去看看 长城 .

18. To the south, sedentary cities and civilizations with all their riches evolved. 在 长城 以南 、 定居的城市、文明和财富逐渐发展起来.

19. A wall of thousands of enemy troops constantly surrounded them. 千千万万敌军所组成的一道活动 长城 时刻包围着他们.

20. The Great Wall is world famous. 长城 举世闻名.


1. 关于长城的英语短文阅读

2. 松果用英语怎么说

3. 独立用英语怎么说

4. 报告厅用英语怎么说

5. 参观用英语怎么说

6. 包含用英语怎么说


Late on, Qin Shihuang, the First Emperor, connected the walls together into the Great Wall.

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